The Griffin Back Porch is a state of mind. Imagine sitting on a back porch with a good friend, drinking sweet tea after an early dinner of grilled flank steak with roasted potatoes and vegetables. It’s a covered and screened porch, because I don’t like bugs and I sunburn really easily. A golden Labrador Retriever lies beside you. It’s May, and a soft cool breeze blesses you.

You discuss whatever is on your minds. Mainly issues related to religion, as you both live for the Kingdom. Sometimes you discuss current events, sometimes you talk about a book you just read or a sermon you listened to. The conversation may wander into controversial topics, and opinions may be strong, but this is a safe space for that and respect is always given. You cherish this time, enjoying each other’s company.

That’s the atmosphere I’m driving for here. I expect the topics will skew toward science and religion conflicts, as that is the focus of my current writing. But good conversations tend to go unexpected places… Initially the posts will be authored by myself, but I would like to share the thoughts of others, as much or more so than sharing my own. My first post will arrive in about a week. Let the conversation begin!

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